i have a project where i watch every werewolf movie i can get my paws on, and i rate them. i'm thinking about dividing the list to separate short films and feature length films but at the moment they're all grouped and rated together. i have been rating movies this way for a few years now and i use a Moon Phase Rating System that goes like this:
- New Moon - lowest rating. I wish i had not watched the film.
- Waning Moon - I don't want to watch it again.
- Waxing Moon - I would watch it again if it came up.
- Full Moon - highest rating. I actively want to watch the movie again.
on to the movies and their ratings!! awooooo!!
- The Snarling (2018). Waxing Moon. this is a horror comedy that took itself the right amount of seriously and new that it was goofy
- Wolf House (2016). New Moon. nonsense film. do not recommend.
- The Howling (1981). Full Moon. i love this movie. as a warning there is some sexual assault in the film though. but it's a classic and has very fun werewolves and GREAT transformation scenes
- The Howling 2. Waxing Moon. this movie is dumb and that makes it fun. it has Christopher Lee!
- The Howling 3. Waxing Moon. it drags on a little tbh. the werewolves in this are marsupials and have pouches. also there are werewolf nuns.
- The Howling 4. New Moon. imo the most boring of all the Howling films.
- The Howling 5. Waxing Moon. it's a murder mystery in a castle but with a werewolf!! due for a rewatch
- The Howling 6. New Moon. "vampires vs werewolves" in a circus. it is........ not good
- The Howling 7. Waxing Moon. i kind of like this movie a lot even though it's barely a werewolf movie. the writer/director/star mostly just wanted to make a movie about the regulars at the honky tonk bar he went to, so a lot of it is just normal people in a bar doing line dance and chatting
- The Howling Reborn. New Moon. attempt to revitalize the franchise with high schoolers. it wasn't very good imo
- Company Of Wolves (1981). Full Moon. a resounding full moon. i love this movie. it has multiple wild and very different werewolf transformations and it's really fun
- Brotherhood of the Wolf. Waxing Moon. weird telling of the Beast of Gevaudan. it's pretty fun
- Dog Soldiers. Full Moon. very cool werewolf designs, very fun movie.
- Silver Bullet. Waxing Moon. this movie's pretty good. stephen king werewolf movie
- Wolf (1994). Full Moon. jack nicholson as a werewolf opposite michelle pfeiffer??? what more could you want honestly
- Werewolf In A Girls Dormitory. Waning Moon. it's old and slow and weird but not the worst movie i've ever seen
- Big Fish. Waxing Moon. this is a good movie but could use more werewolf
- The Big Bad (2011). Waning Moon. this movie is VERY weird and at one point a werewolf has water splashed on them and it makes them melt like the wicked witch of the west. it is not explained.
- American Werewolf in London. Full Moon. baller werewolf design and transformation, this movie is a classic.
- American Werewolf in Paris. Waning Moon. not nearly as good as its predecessor but i do love tom everett scott
- Boy Who Cried Werewolf. New Moon. silly nickolodeon tv movie starring victoria justice. it wasn't very good
- Brothers Grimm. Waxing Moon. tbh i should maybe bump this up to a full moon bc it's fun and has spooky and silly moments. also matt damon and heath ledger as brothers????
- Cabin in the Woods. Full Moon. very good play on horror movies as a genre. the only things wrong with it are Joss Whedon was there and the werewolf doesn't have a tail
- Cursed. Full Moon. i think about this movie every day of my life tbh. the cast is incredible and it gave us this classic image of a werewolf flipping off the camera insert pic
- Full Moon High (1981). New Moon. this movie seems like a bad ripoff of Teen Wolf but is from 4 years before Teen Wolf came out. i don't recommend it
- Ginger Snaps. Full Moon. i really really like the transformation stuff but the movie is edgier than i usually prefer so it's not the easiest to recommend without trigger warnings
- Goosebumps. Waxing Moon. this movie is silly and fun and the werewolf design is A+ (but again could use a tail)
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Waning Moon. i would have given this a Waxing Moon but jkr is evil about a lot of stuff
- Monster Mash (1995). Waning Moon. this is a movie musical based on the song "Monster Mash." it could use a little more focus
- Monster Squad. Full Moon. i grew up watching this movie All The Time. i love it. it's so good. wolfman's got nards.
- Trick R Treat. Full Moon. absolutely great, very fun movie. warning: it does have the r slur a few times, but overall i don't think the movie itself is ableist
- Van Helsing. Full Moon. the werewolves in this are downright hot tbh. that's all there is to it
- Werewolf- The Beast Among Us. New Moon. took itself too seriously imo
- Wolves. Waxing Moon. this almost gets a Full Moon tbh. the plot is kind of r*pey which sucks. jason mamoa is a hunky werewolf and also there's a hunky lady werewolf. the werewolf prosthetics they used are really cool imo
- Wolfman (2010). Waxing Moon. this was pretty good but kinda weird, haha. fun transformation
- Monster Family. Waning Moon. german animated movie based on a children's book. the son gets turned into a werewolf and it's cute & fun, but overall the movie is subpar. there's a sequel i haven't seen yet.
- Never Cry Werewolf. New Moon. syfy channel original picture with kevin sorbo. it wasn't great lol
- Red: Werewolf Hunter. New Moon. syfy channel original picture with felicia day. it also wasn't great, lol due for a rewatch
- Wolves of Kromer. Waning Moon. uses lycanthropy as an allegory for homosexuality. it's sad and not very wolfy. it maybe was better when it came out but at this point i don't need another sad gay movie
- The Beast of Bray Road. New Moon. tbh i barely remember this movie and was underwhelmed by it
- Monster Brawl (2011). New Moon. it's framed like a fighting game and different monsters fight each other. no real plot or substance
- Moon of the Wolf. Waning Moon. werewolf in louisiana. that's it
- Dylan Dog: Dead of Night. Waning Moon. brandon routh and sam huntington are good but overall the movie is just okay. could've used more werewolves
- Blood Moon, aka Wolf Girl. waning moon. this movie was................. low budget and trying hard. it didn't make the most sense
- Lycan (2017). New Moon. bad movie
- Dark Moon Rising. Waxing Moon? this movie is wild and nonsensical in such a way that i watched it three times and still barely remember it. i think i might have to rewatch it soon. it is Not Good, ftr
- Bad Moon. Waxing Moon. had more violence against women than it needed tbh but the werewolf is fun and it's got a dog in the movie
- What We Do In the Shadows. Full Moon. brilliant movie (although it's mostly about vampires). very very good. i still need to watch the tv show tbh
- The Werewolf Reborn. New Moon. very low budget Charles Band movie trying to "reintroduce classic horror monsters to the new generation." unsuccessful tbh
- Annabelle Comes Home. Waxing Moon. not very much focus on the werewolf but the movie was cool. i really enjoy the whole Conjuring universe of films tbh
- Teen Wolf Too. Waning Moon. subpar sequel to the classic Teen Wolf. tbh i still havent seen Teen Wolf 1 but it's on my list. jason bateman gets slapped in the face with a frog
- The Wildling. Waxing Moon. had some very cool concepts but didn't execute them to their full potential.
- Sheep Skin. New Moon. tried to be a tense "is this person a werewolf? should we kill him?" movie but it just didn't accomplish anything
- The Monster Club. Waning Moon. anthology movie starring Vincent Price, John Carradine, and Donald Pleasance. could've used a lot more werewolf. iirc the music featured in the film was great but the movie itself was lacking
- The Monster Project. Waxing Moon. found footage movie that was a lot smarter than i thought it would be going in
- Werewolf Rising (2013). New Moon. serial killer werewolf movie with poor acting. This isn't my first BC Furtney rodeo so i didn't expect much
- The Shattering. Waning Moon. people get trapped in a cabin and hunted by werewolves. werewolf blood can cure cancer. it was weird
- Underworld. Waxing Moon. while the werewolf designs in this arent my favourite (they don't look wolfy enough to me) it's still really fun and it sets up the sequel
- Underworld: Evolution. Full Moon. you have to see the first one for this one to be fully effective but imo this one's better
- Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. the werewolves are wolfier which is good but it's a weird tragedy prequel that wasn't super necessary imo
- Blood Moon (2014). Waxing Moon. werewolf western. it was fun
- The Beast Must Die. Waning Moon. i had hoped this would be better than it was tbh
- Late Phases. Full Moon. this is John Wick but a werewolf is there. warning there are a couple racial slurs iirc
- Howl (2014). Waxing Moon. werewolves attack a stranded train. the werewolves were very monstrous but not super wolfy
- Night Wolf. New Moon. this has tom felton (draco malfoy in the harry potter movies). it wasn't written very well imo
- Uncaged. Waning Moon. guy suspects he's a werewolf. it wasn't great
- Alpha Wolf. Waxing Moon. casper van dien from starship troopers is a werewolf and also a dick
- Wolves of Wall Street (2002). New Moon. barely wolves at all, they just got horny and they pee on stuff
- Mom (1990). Waning Moon. a guy's elderly mother becomes a bloodthirsty werewolf. it had some good moments but overall wasn't great
- Hubie Halloween. Waning Moon. steven buscemi is a normal human person (or is he a werewolf??????). it was a recent adam sandler comedy, so like, it wasn't great
- Monsterwolf (2010). Waxing Moon. white people try mining for oil but unleash a native american wolf monster that kills them all. it was pretty good and not as culturally insensitive as i expected, iirc
- Werewolf Island. Waning Moon. not very good, but one of my friends grew up where the movie was filmed
- Lycan Colony (2006). Waxing Moon. not at all a good film but the people had fun making it which helps a lot
- Iron Wolf (2013). New Moon. we watched this for the podcast i do with my wife. it was stupid
- Red Riding Hood (2011). Full Moon. this movie was very weird but in a very fun way. amanda seyfried is great and she sang a cover of Sam the Sham & the Pharaohs' "Lil Red Riding Hood" for it which is very good
- Bonehill Road (2017). Waning Moon. was almost fun but didn't quite make it
- New Mutants (2020). Waxing Moon. this movie is sooooo frustrating. the werewolf content is really good, and there's gay content which makes my heart happy, but also the movie contains racist characters and racist writing, and also the plot doesn't make a lot of sense. i really really want to love the movie but they made it so hard tbh this might deserve a demerit to waning moon
- Meridian: Kiss of the Beast. New Moon. very bad. took me three sessions to get through the whole thing. i don't recommend it.
- i also watched a movie in like 2013 that was a VERY low budget movie about a guy who was being followed by a werewolf, but actually he had a mental break and would put on a werewolf mask and murder people. it was not good and it would get a New Moon rating but i do not remember what it was called and i haven't been able to find it.
- Wer (2013). Waning moon. I remember seeing trailers for this movie before it came out and I was very excited for it, and then it wasn't ever on Netflix or Hulu or whatever so I never saw it. It unfortunately did not live up to my expectations and was kinda bland
- Werewolves Within (2021). Full Moon. Super fun, super funny, it’s got some mystery and some twists, it was fantastic. My wife said it’s her favorite werewolf movie now. I wanna see it again already
- Project: Metalbeast (1995). Waning Moon. This was a stupid movie about government experiments on a werewolf gone wrong. It was more boring than it should have been tbh
- Shopping for Fangs (1997). Waning Moon? this was hardly a werewolf movie at all, but there is a guy who heals fast and grows hair really fast and *thinks* he's a werewolf. it had good character moments but it was a pretty weird movie
- A Werewolf in England (2020). New Moon. this was basically a larp some people filmed and tbh i didn't enjoy it. the cast looked like they had some fun but it wasn't for me. there was one very unnecessary and gross toilet humor scene that really solidified this as a New Moon tbh
- Pounce (2015). also known as "Silverhide." New Moon. it had no substance at all and included multiple shots of an invisible creature walking in hallways or in nature which is just. empty shots of empty rooms. a very long 72 minutes
- MtG Innistrad: Midnight Hunt cinematic trailer. Full Moon. this is like a three and a half minute short film but it's just so dang good so i'm listing it. post a link to the video
- Ginger Snaps 2. Waning moon. the practical effects and the slowburn transformation were really cool, but overall the movie was way darker/edgier than i liked. i like the first one more
- Werewolf Massacre at Hell's Gate. New Moon. this one was a doozy tbh. very low budget, it changed main characters multiple times during the plot, it really lacked focus. there were iirc 5 time jumps in the 80 minute movie
- Bride of the Werewolf. New Moon. they were having fun and that's good but it's not a "great" movie. spoilers: a lady does fall in love with a werewolf and becomes a werewolf so she can marry him, so they definitely have the spirit. i just wish they had a bigger budget lol. and maybe a more practiced writer
- Hybrid (2007). Waning moon. Corey monteith from glee goes blind in an accident and has his eyes surgically replaced with a wolf’s eyes and it turns him into a therian. Very goofy movie and parts of it made me laugh out loud but it was not a good film and also it had a lot of the “mystic native person” trope which sucks
- Antonia’s Line (1995). Full moon. Hardely any werewolf content. Very very good movie but the only werewolf stuff is there’s a woman who howls every night and a guy falls in love with her
- William and the Werewolf (2018). New Moon. Very weird and bad but it's based on a 12th century poem that is cited as the first use of singular "they"
- The Wolf Man (1941). Full Moon. Hairy Larry Talbot has very cute lil paws. A classic
- Pop-U-Larity (2012). Full Moon but not really a werewolf movie. There is a person in a werewolf costume during a talent show while a person sings a song called The Magic of Friendship. Then the werewolf almost has gay sex with a unicorn
- I Am Lisa (2020). Waxing Moon. it tried byt it should have been both gayer and wolfier. The werewolf main character was ALMOST very gay with her best friend. I thought they were going to kiss but they didnt
- Meridian. New moon. It was just bad tbh
- My Moms a werewolf (1989). Full moon. Fun and funny and could’ve used a sequel honestly
- The hunting 2021. I do not remember. due for a rewatch
- Witch’s night out (1978). Full moon. Cool cast, weird animation, fun fuzzy werewolf child
- Amityville Moon (2021). New moon. This movie has multiple things that tried to win me over (catholicism, omst of the cast are women, they used practical effects) but they could not salvage an unknowable script. Also it had literally nothing to do with Amityville anything i don't think. I don't know that they even said the word Amityville during the movie a single time. This was my 100th movie i've rated on my moon scale!!
- The Feral Man (2002). New Moon. Not reall a werewolf. Low low low budget. I think the writer director has since made more fun and interesting movies, so that's exciting. He should make a new werewolf movie that actually has a werewolf.
- And Then There Was Blood (2017). Waning moon. this movie was only 64 minutes and it only had maybe five minutes of werewolf content. It was pretty low budget but the actors seemed to have a good time. It was apparently based on And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie but with a werewolf twist
- Werewolf Castle (2021). Waning Moon. set in medieval times, there's a bunch of werewolves and they are dudes in silly masks. it wasn't great and didn't make a lot of sense but there was one character who was "a rogue" and it was said that when he fought it was like a "blood hurricane" (we never see the blood hurricane unfortunately. he dies before doing too much fighting) this is by the same writer/director as A Werewolf In England (2020) and this is better than that because that had too much grossout humorr
- Wild Country (2005). Waning moon. I put this on because it seemed low budget and it was not much longer than an hour BUT a few minutes in Peter Capaldi showed up as a priest who defintely was sleeping with a village lady. they accidentally woke a wolf beast who chases them through the hills outside glasgow. i liked the very end but it toke too long.
- Teen Wolf (1985). Full moon. this was good and silly werewolf fun. Better than the sequel. Stiles has the best fashion in the world. tbh there should have been more content of michael j fox's dad as a werewolf, he was really cute
- Lone Wolf (1988). Waxing moon i think. It was low budget and VERY 80s but it was fun. I THINK the main characters were supposed to be in high school but they were definitely older than that. it might have been college. they didn't really make it clear. they just kept saying "school" and "class." Big part of the plot was a small town rock band trying to Make It and that's a good set up for a werewolf movie imo.
- Half Moon (2009). New Moon. this movie was offensive. not worth a watch At All.
- Hunter's Moon (2020). Waxing Moon. Had Jay Mohr and Thomas Jane so that was really weird. All the men in the movie are nonsense at best, many of them being downright terrible. The first half kind of sucks but about halfway through there starts being werewolf content and then the end is good. If not for the first half this could have gotten get a better score.
- Deadtime Stories (1986). Waning Moon. this was an anthology movie where a kid has his uncle tell him bedtime stories and they're all weird. only one of the three segments has a werewolf (the second. the first is aboyt evil witches and the third is "goldilocks" but she's a psychic killer and she befriends the 3 Baers, a serial killer family). fairly low brow comedy and horror but the werewolf segment had some fun parts and also the opening credits had fun stop motion monster hands.
- The Werewolf and the Yeti (1975). Waxing moon. too much men assaulting women BUT the men all get eaten by a werewolf. the werewolf makeup is cute. the star made like 12 werewolv movies in the 70s and multiple of them feature yeti.
- Blood Moon (2021). Waning Moon. decent concept but very obvious and predictable. the main kid did a good job.
- Strippers Vs Werewolves (2012). Waning Moon. full of very... interesting directorial decisions. the movie was at least partially an excuse to have scantily clad (or not clad at all) women. there were a couple genuinely funny lines and it cut right to the chase with the werewolf content (though it was pretty simple facial prosthetics. Robert Englund was in two scenes and set the movie up for a sequel.
- Dogman 2: Wrath of the Litter (2014). Waxing moon. The werewolves were people in fursuits and it was VERY fun for me to see them. The movie itself wasnt like Superb but the lore they talked about did make me interested in seeing the first one.
- Grandma Werewolf (2017). Full Moon. Low budget and inexperienced but they had a lot of fun and i had a lot of fun. the grandma is literally howling within the first two minutes.
- Wolf (2021). Waxing Moon. less of a werewolf movie and more of a therian movie. i love their descriptions of species dysphoria. Warning: there's hospitalization and medical abuse in the movie.
- Weedjies: Halloweed Night (2019). Waning Moon. Barely a werewolf movie. tere are little monsters and one of them is a weedwolf who is high and hungry. it's a cheap Charles Band movie.
- Moon Child (1994). Waxing Moon. this movie was 90s vhs madness r9ight from the start. it was wild and fun and i was laughing throughout. unfortunately there was not a lot of werewolf content tbh, just two scenes. and one of them wasn't even very wolfy.
- Werewolf Bitches from Outer Space (2017). Waning Moon. Okay so this is a zero budget troma movie with no polish. Pros: a couple lines & gags made me laugh out loud. the werewolves were good guys who hunted creeps. the soundtrack was good. it was pretty queer. janeane garofalo was in one scene. Cons: kind of trashy and gross for trashiness and grossness' sakes. tbh the moral compass was maybe a little skewed. it was... not very well put together or written or acted tbh. it was fun in a confusing way though.
- Halloween Town. Waning Moon. Could use more werewolf content. He's only in one scene. the movie is decently fun though.
- Autumn Moon (2023). Waxing Moon. gay werewolf movie. the werewolves were kind of silly looking tbh but it was fun. and gay and werewolfy.
- Scrawl (2015). Waning Moon. soooooooort of a werewolf in like two scenes? it was a mess of a movie but it was kind of fascinating and it ended on a very singular scream. it had daisy ridley.
- Wolfen (1981). Waxing Moon. pretty good. interesting crime movie with albert finney. you don't see any transformations and the titular Wolfen are wolf spirits rather than werewolves. it was the first movie to use thermographic visuals as POV for a creature/character!!
- Among the Shadows (2019). New Moon. Ostensibly has werewolves but they just have glowy eyes and super speed+strength. Lindsay Lohan plays the vampire wife of the president of europe who is a werewolf. It was kind of nonsense and really wanted to be Underworld.
- Little Red Werewolf/Blood Redd (2017). Waxing moon. this had a kind of Hannibal-esque otherkin twist but also had a physically transforming werewolf. it was pretty low budget and had got a little rapey but was and interesting premise and decent movie.
- A Werewolf In Slovenia (2015). New Moon. mostly a documentary/mockumentary with questionable at best information. it's poorly written and makes no sense. it's supposedly a horror movie but most of it watches like an ai scripted documentary.
- Something in Virginia (2023). New Moon. This movie was very weird and not very well written. It did have a character named Vegeta Black though so that was fun.
- Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning (2004). Waning Moon. Almost a waxing moon but did some weird mystification of first peoples near the end. better than the second one, not as good as the first. less edgy than the first though
- Dire Wolf (2009). Waning Moon. this movie is a fun watch but it's not all that technically well done. there's a wolf lizard human hybrid that escapes a lab and attacks people but not the human who donated the genetic material because it wants to protect its parent. features a run of the mill cheap werewolf costume.
- Werewolf Santa (2023). Waning Moon. pretty much just five people sitting in a car and walking through the woods talking about how santa got turned into a werewolf. unfortunately pretty boring. it did feature Mark Arnold who was in Teen Wolf and Joe Bob Briggs who is great.
- Wolf Hollow (2023). Waxing Moon. Low budget, people having fun making a schlocky monster movie. it didn't take itself too seriously which was a good thing. The sound mixing could have been better though. it had a song by ludo on the soundtrack???
- Scream of the Wolf AKA Wolf Manor (2023). Waning Moon. it was okay i guess. i've seen a lot worse. they made some fun references to The Wolf Man (it was set in Talbot Manor and they had a prop of the wolf head cane) but it was mostly just random people getting slashed up. the wolf suit looked decent.
- Hellhounds (2015). Waxing Moon. this movie was silly and a little hard to follow but it was fun. when the werewolves changed from human to wolf form it had funny special effects i enjoyed. made me want to read some patricia briggs books. tbh it might have been better if it was a book instead of a movie.
- Byte (2024). Waning Moon. kinda boring and not great. werewolf design wasn't my favourite either. i also felt a little tricked by the premise as described by both imdb and tubi. they said young adults discover an app that turns people into werewolves, but in the movie a guy downloaded an app, and through the app he ordered a vial of werewolf blood, and then he had to do a ritual in the cemetary. i thought the app would be much more involved in the actual 'turning them into werewolves' but whatever.
- Shaky Shivers (2023). Waxing Moon. strange movie with a few different types of monsters and magic. i think in the end they kill mother nature? it was fun and silly.
- Aware of the Wolf (2023). New Moon. people go to a self help seminar to learn to be more assertive and they turn into werewolves and eat the people who were mean to them. not great but it had fun moments.
- American Werewolf (2024). Waxing Moon. this movie was by the same writer/director as Lycan Colony but this was a lot more fun imo. it was silly and the cast and crew were just having a good time. they had a fun werewolf costume. pacing was kinda strange and it was definitely low budget but i'd watch it again
- Harmony Falls (2022). Waxing Moon. silly movie about a down on his luck cryptozoologist who gets contacted by a sherriff to help hunt a werewolf. werewolf costume was okay. transformation scene was pretty silly. they kind of left it open to x-files style sequels and i'd give those a try if they made them.
- The Clear (2011). Waning Moon. Very boring twilight knockoff with barely any werewolf content.
- Nosferatu (1922). Full Moon. Barely a werewolf movie (there's one scene where they say "don't go in the woods! the werewolf is prowling!" and it shows a shot of the cutest striped hyena in the world) but it's a very good movie.
- Lord of Wolves (2024). Waning Moon. a couple people get roped into a werewolf cult led by a hyena man. it wasn't much to write home about.
- Scream of the Wolf (1974). Waning moon.
it was boring and i ad trouble staying focused as i watched. it turned out to not even be a werewolf, it was like a scooby doo villain where it's just a guy making people think there's a werewolf.
- Bubba the Redneck Werewolf (2014). Waxing moon. It was silly and blue but it was very funny and good werewolfy content. made me want to read the comics.
- Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009). Waning moon. it's a silly movie. the wolves are real big
- Skinwalkers (2006). Waning moon. very very very silly movie. it was cowritten by the main character of Psych. it was fun because it was so stupid. would have been better withouth the bastardization of native beliefs.
- Bhediya (2022). Full moon. it was very fun, had some good music, and had good transformations. plus there was a wolf wearing boxers. i'm very excited to see the other movies in the maddock supernatural universe.
- Wolf Man (2025). Full moon. very good movie. i loved the behavior of the wolf man. i wish he had been phsycially wolfier but i'm glad he was as wolfy as he was. my biggest qualm is that it started with a text blurb that came on screen saying that it's set in oregon and local indigenous people called the wolf man disease "ma'iingan odengwaan" which translates to "face of the wolf," but that's in the Ojibwe language, which is spoken by indigenous and first nations people in the great lakes region, not in the pacific northwest.
- Beast Within (2019). Waning Moon. this movie was pretty stupid. the main character was incredibly unlikeable. there was one fun cgi transformaton scene and when it eventually showed the werewolf it looked decent. people get together for the release of an online version of the werewolf party game and get killed off one by one when a werewolf shows up.
- Loup Garou by Erin Greenwell. Full Moon. this is an animated music video Greenwell did for the song by Mary Crosbie. this was cute and funny, very good song choice to make a video for. The animation is quaint and fun and i love the touch of giving the loup garou painted nails to signify that she's Sophie. I saw this at the Alamo Drafthouse preshow for Wolf Man 2025.
- Desert Wolf (2019). New Moon. it was poorly executed and didn't have very mch actual werewolf content despite being about two werewolves. te sound editing was baffling.
- Unnatural (2024). New Moon. the cover had a full moon and a werewolf on it but the only werewolf content was in the first scene, where the parents of the two main children get killedby a werewolf. their grandpa shows up and kills it and then they go fight vampires for the rest of the movie. the best part of the movie was literally the last scene where the ghost grandma showed up and it was very goofy.
- Crying Wolf (2015). Waning Moon. silly movie. poorly written and entirely ADR'd but some of the werewolf content was fun to watch. there was very silly cgi where the people got kind of bubbly as they transformed into werewolves. it was a weird movie where the whole thing was a guy reading a book about a pack of werewolves, and the werewolves each told stories. it didn't work very well imo.
total count: 151
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